I'm hanging up my G&T boots for awhile so I've got to blame it on something else.

Tomorrow I start chemo, 2.40pm at Bowen 16th November 2021. In a weird way I'm kind of looking forward to it, mainly because then I know I'm on my way to getting my old life back (yes, I miss it already). Its going to be a crap year and there's going to be some really hard times but on Saturday I decided I was sick of being, sad, mad and grumpy so I shaved my hair off that afternoon, surprised some friends at dinner (who thought I wasn't coming) and made a promise to be as POSITIVE as I can so this cancer has nothing to feed on. Will update via this post once I'm feeling up to it
Update: Home from first round of chemo, all went well - a little woozy but otherwise feeling ok. Thank you so much for all your support and kind words, they mean a lot. Came home to a beautiful card made by Sylvia, I’ll be thinking of watermelons 🍉 for many months to come 😆

Kate you’re amazing my darling friend! You’re always so positive and bubbly and the life of the party…this will be no different!
You’ll absolutely rock your new doo - accessories coming your way xxx